Mednarodni posvet o avtorskih pravicah v Ljubljani
DSI skupaj z evropsko organizacijo AEPO-ARTIS in AIPA organizira enodnevni posvet z naslovom Audiovisual Performers and the EU Copyright Directive – What has the Copyright directive brought actors in the EU and what options do actors in Slovenia still have? (slov. Avdiovizualni izvajalci in direktiva EU o avtorskih pravicah – kaj je direktiva o avtorskih pravicah prinesla igralkam_cem v EU in kaj so preostale možnosti za igralce_ke v Sloveniji?)
Posvet bo potekal 25. maja v prostorih Evropske pravne fakultete Nove Univerze (Mestni trg 23, Ljubljana).
Vljudno vabljeni, da se posveta udeležite.
Prijave zbiramo do 20. maja na naslov
Predvideni program je sledeč (v angleščini – v tem jeziku bo posvet tudi potekal):
09:30 – 10:00 Registration & Coffee
10:00 – 10:15 Opening Speeches
10:15 – 12:30 Morning Session – Panel
- Tilo Gerlach, GVL (DE)
- José Maria Montes, AISGE (ES)
- Ioan Kaes, AEPO-ARTIS (EU)
Focus on the status of the implementation of the copyright directive in Europe. To what extent has the copyright directive strengthened the position of actors in Europe? Overview of the before and after and testimonials from a best practices environment.
12:30-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:00 Afternoon Session Part I
The Slovenian proposal on the implementation of the Copyright directive. Is there still room for improvement?
15:00-16:00 Afternoon Session Part II.
- Pal Tomori, EJI (HU)
Extended collective licensing for performers rights. Is ECL an opportunity or a threat for Slovenian performers?
16:00-16:30 Coffee & networking