Vir: Izplačilo (The Pay-Off), 1930, režija Lowell Sherman

Kolektivno upravljanje avtorskih pravic na mednarodni spletni konferenci

Poredujemo vabilo na spletno konferenco SAA (Evropskega združenja avdiovizualnih avtorjev), ki bo 20. oktobra med 10.30. in 12. uro. Naslov dogodka je Ali lahko CMO-ji (Organizacije za kolektivno upravljanje+) prispevajo k raznolikosti v avdiovizualnem sektorju? Prijave zbirajo do 16. oktobra. Spodaj je besedilo vabila v angleščini s povezavami:

Invitation: Can CMOs contribute to diversity in the audiovisual sector?online session 20 Oct

Dear SAA members,

Please find attached an invitation (with some background information) to an online session “Can CMOs contribute to diversity in the audiovisual sector?” on 20 October at 10:30-12:00. Feel free to share the invitation with other interested colleagues in your organisation.

Register your participation with Elise Liégeois ( ) by Friday 16 October.


The #MeToo and #BlackLivesMatter movements have put gender and racial inequalities in the spotlight and provided a public space to discuss the issues. Inequalities are persistent in society at large and the audiovisual sector is no exception. The European audiovisual sector can be proud of its rich diversity of European works. However, zooming in on individual film productions, opportunities and income of directors and screenwriters as well as on the representation behind and on screen, it appears that the sector fails to reflect the diversity that characterises the European society. The SAA can play a role in facilitating a conversation among its members about diversity and the audiovisual sector. To this end, it can provide a platform to exchange good practices of what CMOs can do to address diversity. Such an attention and dialogue on diversity can position CMOs as responsible players in the audiovisual sector and contribute to a positive image of CMOs by both public authorities and authors.


10:30-10:50 Introduction: state of play

Introduction by Annica Ryngbeck (Public Affairs and Communications Manager) about the European activities, SAA’s activities, purpose and aim of the meeting

10:50-11:10 Why is diversity an issue for a Collective Management Organisation?

Presentation by Natasha Moore, Head of Campaign at Directors UK, about Directors UK work; starting with their data collection, involving authors, and influencing the industry.

11:10-11:40 Exchange among SAA members

Time for all members to share their thoughts, experiences, challenges, good practices and ideas to go further.

11:40-12:00 Follow-up actions for the SAA

Participants will suggest and discuss possible next steps for the SAA.

Details of how to join the meeting

Join via the meeting URL or via phone +32.2.588.7712 (Belgium/French, see all numbers). Enter the meeting ID 919 022 343 followed by #.

We look forward seeing you (virtually)!
