Vir: Živi pesek (Quicksand), 1950, režija Irving Pichel

Analiza položaja žensk v evropski kinematografiji

Tokrat vam posredujemo informacijo o predstavitvi analize o položaju žensk v evropski kinematografiji. Dogodek je del evropskega festivala neodvisnega filma Arcs.
Spletni dogodek, za katerega se ni potrebno predhodno prijaviti, bo potekal v četrtek, 16. 12., ob 11.30, na zoom povezavi – TUKAJ.
Več o sodelujočih in poteku dogodka najdete v spodnjem izseku iz uradnega sporočila za javnost v angleščini.

This panel is organised by the Lab Femmes de Cinema in Les Arcs Film Festival, the European Film Agency Directors Association (EFAD), the European Women’s Audiovisual Network (EWA Network), and UNI Europa – Media, Entertainment & Arts (EUROMEI) in partnership with the European Audiovisual Observatory, the International Federation of Actors (FIA) and the Federation of European Screen Directors (FERA).

The course of the event :

11:30 Introduction and moderation by Daphne Tepper, Policy Director, UNI Europa – Media, Entertainment & Arts
11:35 Presentation of the latest gender statistics of the European Audiovisual Observatory by Gilles Fontaine, Head of Department for Market Information and Patrizia Simone – Film Industry Analyst


11:50 Presentation of the 2021 update of the Lab des Femmes de Cinéma study by Fabienne Silvestre and Guillaume Calop, co-founders of le Lab


12:05 Reactions by Iris Zappe-Heller, Deputy Director of the Austrian Film Institute and by Sandrine Brauer, Co-President of the Collectif 50/50
12:20 Comments and conclusions by Jenni Koski, Executive Director, EWA Network
12:30 Meeting ends

To connect to the Facebook page of the Lab Des Femmes, go here:
To connect to the Facebook page of the event, go here:
